Erewhon, Rangitata River Gorge

Whew what a day I am whacked. A long day out in our magnificent high country on a club outing. Mainly to see the Clydesdales in action. Went on a wagon ride behind six of them, a young woman driving the team she had trained. What a superbly efficient teamster she was of these gentle giants.
After lunch we were treated to another team ploughing, what control she had over them with just a pull on the rein and a gently spoken word to whichever one needed to be brought into line. The station ran merino sheep, cattle, deer and also Clydesdales for sale.
This station is at the head of the mighty Rangitata River. Erewhon is a play on the word nowhere as it sure is at the end of a long gravel road going no further.
Look in extras to see the team and there amazing feet
Sorry I am so far behind with comments will attempt to catch up over the next couple of days

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