
After yesterday's 'big long walk' we have both been very, very tired. After we'd watched Jeremy Kyle my morning walk Ann was going to go swimming but it was raining so she went supermarket shopping instead. I had home alone snooze time. Fabulous!

This afternoon the sun came out so we went to visit Ann's friend, Fiona. Fiona lives at the end of Braidburn Valley Park so I was looking forward to a splish, splash, splosh in the burn en-route. But do you know what happened?........................ I didn't get let off my lead??!! I always get let off my lead in Braidburn Valley Park so I kept nudging Ann's leg because I thought she'd just forgotten to unclip me. She hadn't forgotten. She said, 'Molly, you've not been naughty but I'm not going to let you off your lead because you will go in the burn and I need you to stay clean so that you don't mess up Fiona's house. You may go in the burn on the way home.'

I had a lovely time at Fiona's house. Fiona's mum was there so I just lay down in 'good dog mode' and everyone thought I was a very well behaved little collie.

And then we walked home. As soon as I got in to Braidburn Valley Park I got let off my lead. First I did some rolling around on my back and then I went zooming, and I mean zooming, down to the burn where I had a good old wallow. I love Braidburn Valley Park.

Then when we got home, Ann said, 'Molly, I'm going to Susi's for dinner. You can come with me.' So we walked to Susi's and I spent a very pleasant few hours evil eyeing Tabitha the cat. The trouble with Tabitha the cat is; she's not scared of me so she never runs away when I try to chase her. I still like evil eyeing her though.

Home now and we're both still tired.

Time for bed. Goodnight all. xx

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