All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

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Trip to the dentists today for Ethan & I for a checkup. The dentist was lovely when I asked if it was ok to take a photo of Ethan in the chair and asked if I wanted an action shot with him in it to!

Ethan got a clean bill of health. My teeth are fine apart from the fact the dentist says I clearly grind my teeth and clench my jaw - apparently I can't open my mouth as widely as I should be able to as a result and when I mentioned my headaches, he said they could also be related to this. At first he thought I was probably grinding my teeth in my sleep and asked if I get headaches in the mornings. But when I said they tend to happen during the day in the office he said it's probably something I do at work without realising it when I'm stressed, He's wanting me to closely monitor myself for the next few weeks to see if I can catch myself doing it before he decides the best way to deal with it.

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