Last night Siri...

...was kind to me...I was shattered after my tooth out, and it was causing me pain...I went to bed, and went to turn the phone off but I accidentally activated Siri. Instead of using my usual naughty words, which Siri actually remonstrates me for telling there is no call for that because Siri is only trying to help, I just said 'I'm tired'. The bottom pic was Siri's response to me...

I got no sleep last night, and my Fibromyalgia kicked in with pain and sensitivity...I presume it was a reaction to the analgesia, and the 'trauma' of the tooth being pulled out, because the tooth was very reluctant to part company with me.

I feel frail today, so going to bed early. I am sorry I haven't replied to comments etc, but I am sure I will be up to that tomorrow.

This is a 10 inch by 12 inch canvas board. Encaustic wax and Dinky the baby iron applied the wax. The actual canvas board had already been covered in red ink prior to today (I couldn't have done any more today. This was as much as I could attempt). So this is my painting for today for my challenge to myself of a pic every day in 2017.

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