Return to the North

By Viking

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Headed into town today to meet sis and a friend for lunch. I then headed into a couple of shops browsing for clothes but bought nothing. Headed to Tescos to do the weekly shop and saw my first dip**** of the day - well didn't actually see them I saw the car (big Merc SUV of course. The driver had parked diagonally across two parking bays on a busy Friday shopping day.
After shopping I was heading home along the dual carriageway/ ring road when I saw the biggest F***wit of the day- a man on a moped, no crash helmet and if that wasn't stupid enough (and illegal) he had what I assume was his son sat in front of him!, again no helmet. The lad was maybe 7. Honestly some people don't deserve to be parents!
As I got closer to home I was struck again by how much yellow there is about! This coupled with the 20 degrees is making me feel very summery (have broken out the sandals and lightweight trousers today) No doubt they will be put away again before long :-)

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