Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Another super day in the desert with several (for me) firsts. This stunning American Avocet is not a new bird, but it is not one I've ever managed to get a passable shot of...until today. And whenever I look at this photo, I will remember being crouched down in a patch of parched mud, next to Photomatt, snapping off shots.

After a full morning at the Riparian Preserve at Gilbert Water Ranch, some of us learned of site where Western Burrowing Owls nest. So, after a quick lunch, and faster than you can say "telephoto", we were off. After wandering around under a blazing desert sun for a while, we found a pair, perched above their burrow. I can feel safe in saying that those two tiny owls probably had close to 1,000 shots fired their way as there were 8 of us all pointing our longest lenses at them. Hopefully someone will blip them. Meanwhile, I will put a shot in Extra.

Also in Extra is a shot of a male Black-chinned Hummingbird, showing some attitude.

Tomorrrow morning we head up into Tonto National Forest for the morning. I wonder what we'll find....

Apologies for lack of comments, but things will resume normal next week. In the meantime, many thanks for stopping by.

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