That Didn't Take Long

Look who FINALLY arrived from the frozen tundra of Michigan. My buddy-boy, my little man, my kindergarten grandson Merrick (along with my daughter Karen and S-I-L Doug) came in on a 2:38 plane.

I told him in a postcard last month that I hope he gets pooped on by a bird in Florida.

"Why would you hope that, Papa?"

"It's just part of the experience, Bud."

"I don't think so."

Well, it didn't take long. Merrick was walking around in mid-air...when a giant osprey landed on a telephone pole...lifted its rear end...and let fly.

As you can see, Merrick quickly lifted his arms for a shield, but it was for naught. His forehead, nose, and cheeks were covered...and he didn't smell good.

Believe what you may,
but both shots were taken today.

In regards to the osprey "pop",
my thanks to Photoshop.

Tomfoolery aside, the hug I got when Merrick spotted us...might have been my greatest hug ever. I've really missed him.

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