Half way up the stairs
Is this plant. And it's what was in front of me when I realised I didn't have a blip.
Today seems to have lasted for ever, which it pretty much has since it began at 2 something with a fortunately successful dash to throw up in the loo. After many such dashes, a spell where I just tried to sleep on the bathroom floor for ease of access, and finally a blissful 45 minutes of proper sleep in a bed... the day began. With taxi duties out of the way I headed straight upstairs, with the sparkly lights of a migraine beginning to dance before my eyes.
Happily, lots of podcasts and some sleep (GQT leads to the weirdest dreams...) seemed to hold that awfulness at bay, so by lunch time I was to contract-generating and garden-strimming action.
Later, into CarbBoy's school for parents evening, which was on time and very civilised, then home to spoil my latest genius.
Should also note that tonight marks the official end of the electric blanket season (I got the electricity bill - so large that when I tried to pay it the bank stopped my card, presuming it was a fraudulent transaction...)
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