Lucky, Lucky Boy.

Mr W and I had the pleasure of having to go to Audi West London - the largest Audi showroom in the World to order the car he won last week. 

It was a very strange experience!!!

Mr W got taken on a test drive in the car he was presented with last week but the Sales man, Rob, drove it first and put his foot down without warning. Now bearing in mind this beast has a 4l engine and does 0-60 in 3.9 was literally poo off a spade to put it politely and I don't do fairground rides me so I screamed while my heart ended up in my mouth.....honestly!!! I couldn't help it. A 48 year old woman screaming. Not a pretty sound!!

Mr W was a bit naughty, and while we were on the 4th of 5 levels, he added a few sneaky extras to it - to help re-sale value - of course Dear! Of course!

Anyway, they have agreed he can wait for the new 67 Reg's to come out in September so we have a bit of a wait before it comes which is ok, as it will give us time to save up for tinted glass, trackers and fancy wheels!

After being treated like Royalty and made to eat my heart (or my breakfast - again!) Mr W treated me to a slap up meal in Ikea on our way home - and even that was fully refunded against the purchase of a new bed sheet for Sweaty Betty here!! So its Win Win all round really!!

Its been a very lovely day and I do feel very lucky indeed. Having your tyres slashed as a possible result of a great win isn't nice but if it made that person feel better then so be it!! (A friend is checking CCTV from the place where HN1 met HN2 - just in case!)

And now to put my feet up in my PJ's with a cuppa. Night all.


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