A Bit Wonky
This morning The Cygnet headed off to Glasgow with the school (late because there were not enough seats in the bus - How? They knew how many kids were going. They knew how many adults were going. Can they not add?).
I went and took more crap pictures, pictures of suicidal trolleys, white brackets, black brackets (next to each other on the same tree), jackdaws in love and young leaves in the wrong place.
The bus was late back to the school but the staff couldn't be arsed to let the parents know how late - they were just left standing in the playground.
Mind you, when they can't be arsed to send out the regular newsletter without spelling and grammatical mistakes (or add up) it shows how our educational system is going to the dogs.
(The Cygnet loved visiting the 'Victorian classroom' and the way they taught multiplication (by rote) and other teaching systems).
Luckily there was just enough time from the bus arriving to get the Cygnet to the dentist.
He was getting his damaged tooth removed.
The dentist said it was the biggest baby tooth he had ever seen.
What a hole it has left!
But what a trooper - not a sound from him during the procedure and happy as Larry at the thought of a visit from the tooth fairy.
Before we headed home The Cygnet filled in a survey about his Lego magazine and one of the cats did her best to annoy Bags and Squirrel.
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