Artist and the critic

Today was designated Seville retail day. I will admit to finding such days challenging though I accept that part of any break is to explore the retail offerings of the place visited. Often these are very like the retail offerings anywhere but Old Town Seville has not been conquered by international retail giants and has not yet been reduced to modern blandness.

At some point, it is clear that my continued presence in wandering around shops is no longer conducive to sustaining stable relationships. I am encouraged to find something else to do. Today that something else was sitting in a square to admire all the energy around me as folks went about their business.

An artist was in residence in the square. He was a traditional artist trying to capture a common scene of the statue in the centre of the square. He benefitted from much interest as passers by paused briefly with many offering some advice. Had my Spanist been up to it, I would have suggested that he hadn't quite got the perspective right. The blip is of him and one of his critics who looked impressed with the work.

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