
I thought that given Britain  -  one could hardly called it United Kingdom!!!  -  is presently in a stage of transition my Iron Stand would make an appropriate blip. I bought it from Reggie's stall in Camden Market when I lived in Hampstead and it has attached itself to me ever since.  If you l look carefully at it it is inscribed "Britains Might as Iron Stands"  -  a bit of dark humour at play here I fear for it is, in fact, an Iron Stand such as we used to use in the old days before electric irons. Reggie told me that after WW1 much of the iron from old weapons were made into domestic utensils.  I can't find anything on the Web that tells the story, but judging from the bullets and rifles and swords shown on it it seems a reasonable transition  -  domestic utensils are usually more peaceful than weapons!

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