Kegs Kwikpics.

By Kegrow

Wonthaggi Suburb I

This was my first blip with the iPhone 4s. I just love this whole concept of iPhonography. Anyhow I have been experimenting like mad trying to get a handle on this machine. I shot this photograph with the Hipstamatic 256 camera, and used one of the presets for B&W. Finessed the photo some more in Lightroom. This is a direction I want to go in (in line with my deeply felt connection to the New Topographic Movement). I am thinking that it might be a good idea to do a series on Wonthaggi suburbs of which this will be the first. This is the first artwork (painting, drawing, photograph) that I have done in square format.
I really like this photograph. Dark, moody, noir, gothic. A figure or two would have been nice to top it off. The image seems to be saying something to me, or perhaps it is just my emotional response to it. 20 years ago I read a book titled 'Landscape Art and the Blue Mountains', by a guy names Hugh Speirs. He maintained that the gulf between art and words is significant. In that it is impossible to describe with words the feeling/emotions we sometimes get when confronted by a work of art that we feel a deep connection to. This is confounded of course, by the nature of aesthetics, which can be a different experience for different individuals.
Anyway, enough of all this arty-farty stuff. I am off to the kitchen to see what Kaye is doing. Something smells like old stale sweaty socks. Ahh, Black Beans cooking she says. Ohh she's a love she is.

Bigger Version Here.

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