After so many days of dreadful weather, I really needed a "pick me up". Had decided this morning that I was packing my camera and going out to the woods directly after work. No excuses...come rain or shine. I was more than happy I did.
First animal I saw was Big Ears, right beside this happy quartet. Look who is taking the lead and trying to attract the female....One Eye!!! It may be a little silly, but it felt so wonderful to see this turkey who I have been watching all winter, strutting his stuff. In this photo, you can see how his wattle is blood red, which indicates emotions are running high and blood is flowing from excitement....to attract the females. I hope he gets lucky ;)
Saw the 'crew' of deer...minus the pregnant doe. Perhaps she is already keeping a lower profile. I didn't go looking for her as did not want to stress her out but still hopeful that I will see a little one in a month or so.
Was chatting to two lovely ladies who could have easily been blippers...I really should have asked!! Here was a few clues....1) They were very friendly; 2) They both had cameras that they carried naturally (if you know what I mean); 3) They had both travelled hours to this area because they heard it was a great spot for wildlife photo ops; 4) Did I mention they were friendly? : )) I was letting them know what they could see, where to see everything, when I spotted the Red-Bellied Woodpecker who promptly flew down for a peanut. Then we heard a horrible sound...and a tree came crashing down 10 ft away from us! Not only was it scary as the tree was huge and it was so unexpected, but it also fell across the path so someone could have been badly hurt. The force of the fall put a hole in the ground. So very odd. Also very sad as it was a tree that the woodpeckers favoured and it was beside one of the fences that I often photograph birds on. I am guessing that when all trees fall, they make a sound. If a Tree Falls - Bruce Cockburn
Finally, on my way back to my car, I spotted the pair of Mute Swans. Decided to spend some time with them. The female was sounding very nasal and the male was very concerned with her. I hope she is ok. The other birds were acting weird and several geese and ducks jumped on the male's back. Has anyone ever seen that behaviour before??? Very odd. After about 20 mins, I sensed 'someone' standing beside me and looked up...it was MY swan!!! The Trumpeter. So cool to see him just standing there beside me watching the two Mutes. (See extra) : )) I took some seed and offered them to him and he nosed my bag...honest, he did. He wanted peanuts which I gladly gave him. By the way, his name is simply A71 which is the number on his tag (all of the swans have been tagged around here....no idea why).
I have rambled....must shut this down and go to bed now. Hope you are all having a fantastic week!
D x
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