
I was outside first thing again today as I needed to take care of the cats, birds and squirrels all before the guys working on the house came.

This morning they got all the caulking done and primed all the soffit & facia.  As I said yesterday, we have discovered that the original colour of the house was grey. (see extra) It has been blue for over 30 years now but our current painters are doing things right and have taken the shutters off the house revealing the original colour underneath.  The grey we have chosen is a lighter, brighter grey than this but it is interesting that we have decided on grey only to find out that was the original colour.

My clematis plants have several buds on them and so they looked really good with the rain/dew drops on them this morning.

I cut my vinca major back to almost nothing last fall and it has lots of new growth in it.  This plant is over 20 years old now.

Nice big fat water drops coming off the dogwood blooms.

I am happy to say that my gladioli are sprouting!

I thought this shot of the daffodil patch made a good picture.

And last but not least for the day, water drops.

One of the girls from church (a senior in high school) is coming over this evening and she is going to spend time dusting/cleaning my living room and help me clean my kitchen.  This is going to help me so much as I get so exhausted after doing stuff.  I'm excited about the help.  

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