Early morning, spontaneously drove to local county council offices in Mindelheim and the "Aliens Department". I signed on the dotted line pledging my loyalty to the German and Bavarian Constitution.
The German Constitution's preamble says:
Inspired by the determination to promote world peace as an equal partner in a united Europe, the German people, in the exercise of their constituent power, have adopted this Basic Law.
The opening line is:
(1) Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.
The Bavarian starts differently. Article 1 is:
Bavaria is a free state
Article 2 says:
The people shall express their will through elections and votes
Article 3a says:
Bavaria declares itself to be part of a unified Europe, which is committed to democratic, social and federal principles governed by the rule of law and the principle of subsidiarity, which safeguards the independence of the regions and ensures their involvement in European decisions. Bavaria shall work together with other European regions.
I have been a proud and loyal British subject: (Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies) and later a full-blown British citizen for over 62 years. This "relationship" has been damaged beyond repair by the government of the UK in the events leading to the June 2016 referendum and the decisions made by the new government since then and culminating in the letter that was signed by the UK's prime minister today. I have searched the web for the UK constitution but apparently, there isn't one - so no rights or obligations it seems in the UK. By the way, the German and Bavarian governments place their constitutions in English on the web. I suspect the UK English government will put their new constitution, after the break-up, on the web too, no doubt in Polish, German, Greek, Spanish, French to accommodate all their new citizens. .......
I was denied by the UK government the right to express my view in the form of placing a vote in the referendum, nor have I been able to vote in recent previous national UK elections, nor will I be able to vote in the future.
AND I continue to even pay UK taxes! What was that famous quote? "No taxation without representation"
So the process has been started, a few more forms and tests to be done but according to the extremely helpful civil servant, I should be able to vote for the next German national elections in the autumn. He said I was not the only one of the 92 Brits registered in the county to go down this route.
When I turned up unannounced, he said he was head of the department, his clerk on holiday for another few weeks and I should come back then. When I explained my fear of not getting at least my application dated before Article 50 letter, he understood and took time to find his clerk's PC password on the yellow sticker, fire up the PC & do those bits of paperwork he could. Months ahead now to do all the tests.
Walked out quite unmoved by the administrative form filling, into the glorious sunshine. As the council offices are close to the city centre, strolled up to take a few pictures of the medieval main gate. On the way had to tackle one of the few UK exports which have been very successful and were as good as unknown when I first came here in 1990 - THE ROUNDABOUT!
Waited for a long long time to catch a UK built car going around the wrong way. On the left of the Blip, a very un-British coloured Range Rover. In the background some of the towers of the town.
Then walked up to the main gate, took some photos and walked back via the roundabout but on the other side. There on a wall I discovered a plaque commemorating the fountain on the roundabout - "The Europe Fountain" dedicated to the European towns twinned with Mindelheim, one of which is East Grinstead.I spent many years living in Sussex but can't say I was a regular visitor there. However, I risked life and limb by crossing on to the fountain to take a close up of the East Grinstead Coat of Arms which is one of the panels making the fountain. A close up Extra photo of the plaque and the Coat of Arms.
As I took the photo, an enormous lump came in my throat and my eyes could no longer focus on the camera monitor.
Do the self-centred, in my very wet eyes, evil, main proponents of Brexit have any idea what they are doing with the lives of millions? I have fewer problems with the "normal" folk who may have voted OUT but a massive problem with those in a position of authority, power or influence who have lied and misled their country.
Luckily the twinning system is not a part of the EU and so the "friendship" should continue. It is good to know that East Grinstead's MP, Nicholas Soames, a grandson of Winston Churchill has always supported the European idea and continues, unlike many of his scared ex-Remain colleagues, to speak out over Brexit.
Then drove home passing two John Deere tractors. Today is after all "Tractor Tuesday" and I must remain loyal even if our TT Madam President lives (I think) in Liam Fox's constituency. Added to that being a John Deere owner, I do need to stay brand loyal. So another Extra Photo of the JD's, the one heading straight at me, a mighty machine equipped with everything, including by the looks of it a satellite TV receiver, no doubt to watch BBC World Service.
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