
By OzGeoff

Mission Accomplished

At our bushcare site we are planning to build a frog pond but there was a length of railway line rail in the middle of where we wanted to build it with one end extending under a large pile of soil.  We evaluated numerous options as to how to remove the rail and decided we would cut it off with a large angle grinder which I was able to obtain from my son-in-law, the only issue was we needed power but this was available at the amenities block in the park - not a problem as we had cut rail before and it took around 30 minutes.
Step 2 was to contact council to access the power with the response of no way as it conflicted with their agreement with Transport for NSW, the owners of the land.  A Council representative told us we would need to explore other options - we did this and took the decision to dig it out.  There was a principle at stake here and we didn't want a pond with a rail through the middle of it.
After four working bees and a trench close to 5 metres long and nearly a metre and a half deep we have removed the rail!
Council don't know about it yet and when they do their response could be interesting but we were of the view that bureaucracy needed to be challenged!
The 'extra' images add a little more detail.
I think I will sleep well tonight.

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