A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

What a day!

Great morning.
During lunch break I was walking to my classroom (via another room to drop a little reward off to a student) when I started coughing really violently (as I did a couple of weeks ago at home). I let myself into the food tech room to get water, but couldn't stop coughing for long enough to take a sip. No other colleagues around and I started to panic, as I couldn't catch my breath.

Fortunately, my friend (and owner of the food tech room) came in to find me trying not to collapse by resting on the work surfaces.

After a few more minutes of this, assessment by first aider, and Jo also seeking the advice of dear dear Chris, the decision was taken to call an ambulance. Which arrived in about 3 minutes.

What followed was a little comedic - me answering questions with the use of a mini whiteboard and then being moved to the ambulance to be assessed. The monitor sensor wasn't working (yes, I did ask if I was dead!), they struggled to even get my pulse and blood pressure. However, once my panic had subsided, it was agreed that there wasn't any point in going to the hospital but that I couldn't drive home until it was clear that I wasn't going to cough myself into a car accident on the way home.

Now, I am largely without my voice and I have a horrible tickle in the back of my throat, much like I have when I wake up from surgery after having had a breathing tube inserted. I am going to present myself at the GP in the morning with written explanation to get past the receptionist.

Quite a scary experience. Now utterly drained. Night nurse capsules ready for knocking me out for bed.

Thanks to everyone who helped me out. Especially Stacey, who did her best not to fuss, because she knows I hate fuss, even though it was probably a situation where fuss was appropriate.

This was tea. Homemade chilli with Orzo (it's pasta but it looks like rice!). Could really do with a bowl of ice cream but we have none.

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