Calculated Risk Exclamation Mark

My Dear Fellow,

Today I listened to Attaboy Clarence. I haven’t done that in a while on purpose. I decided to save up some episodes for when I was feeling a bit grumpy, and on an overcast day when things just refused to go right, today felt like the right day.
I was rewarded with a radio play starring Vincent Price called “Calculated Risk!” I’m not entirely sure about the exclamation mark, but wouldn’t be at all surprised. It was good fun and exactly what I needed.
I sometimes channel Vincent in my head. I think I would make an excellent campy B-movie villain and would love to get the chance to ponce about in a uniform with big golden epaulettes and lace cuffs while decrying lines like “Fly! My wing-ed legions of death!” or “Fools! Soon you shall suffer my WRATH!” Then I would unleash fury in the form of homicidal robots or a flying war-machine with a heat-ray.
Soon this world will be mine! MIIIIIIIINE!
It is probably for the best that I have never sought elected office.
Apparently Vincent was a lovely chap off-screen. I’ve heard the same about Peter Cushing as well. I wonder if it is because they got the chance to get it all out of their systems through the pretence of threatening heroes and constructing death-machines in the films?
And perhaps watching them do the above helps keep me outwardly lovely too. 

Now if you’ll forgive me I have imaginary WORLDS TO CONQUER. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!

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