
Impressed by other blippers bold experimentations I decided to dive into Markus's Experimental Photography challenge. I tend to work on the basis that I'm not a real photographer, haven't got a proper camera and I'm no good with the tech bit, but I've been wanting to have a look at the National Trust's restoration of the Claife Viewing Station and thought it might be the perfect opportunity to have a go. These aren't my filters they are ones provided at the station - red for autumn, yellow - summer, blue - winter/moonlight, lilac - stormy (the middle bottom one is unfiltered and 'real'). They were into filtering back then and I rather wished I'd had a Claude glass to try and frame a reverse filtered image. The station was built when the first tourists came to the Lakes and they visited contrived viewpoints and had various filters to replicate different seasons and conditions and also to help protect them from the possibility of swooning at the overwhelming impact of all that Nature. I didn't swoon.
All this stuff always reminds me those wonderful cartoons of Dr Syntax.
Afterwards I walked over the Heights to Moss Eccles tarn and back by Far Sawrey gathering some wild garlic for extra iron.
Intention and action again.

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