Thought I would take the chance while the sun was shining this morning to blip these amazing dwarf sunflowers which are growing in the nursery garden.
They are just the right height for the children to look at and have about a dozen heads on each one. I found a photo the other day of the nursery garden 6 years ago when there was just a climbing frame and grass. It's amazing to look at it now and see how far we have come. The goal this year is to transform the back garden too so looking forward to get stuck into some landscaping and tree planting over winter again. Think I'll try and pace myself better though so I'm not doing it all in March this time.
I've been a bit restless during the week since I went back to work and I think it's because I'm not getting as much exercise as I did in the holidays. I'm finding it hard to fit it into the working day but made time tonight for a spot of kinect instead of sitting on my backside watching telly and feel a million times better for it.
Think I need a plan.
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