5 months already!!

Here is the lovely Joti, 5 months old today! She is still the loveliest little thing! Sleeps for 11-12 hours a night, feeds really well still and gives the best smiles and laughs!! She isn't rolling yet but tries to sit up when she is laying down.

She is sleeping in a sleeping bag overnight now, not being wrapped anymore, she loves her arms laying straight out when she sleeps like a scarecrow, which is cute but means she has cold little fingers in the morning! She sleeps in the car and transfers from car to pram to car to inside which is great!

She loves her big brother Spencer! I love watching them together! Spence does something silly like falling over to make her laugh, but she laughs at him laughing instead of the silly thing he did! It's very cute!

She is such a happy baby. When we go into her room in the morning when she wakes up, a soon as she sees you she gives you a massive smile! She never wakes up crying, just 'chatting'!

Last time she was weighed and measured, about three weeks ago, she was 64cm and weighed 6.8kg. She started off at 50.5cm and 3.3kg so has grown 14cm in just over 4 months! I think she might be tall like me! I'm nearly 6 foot tall and the donor is 5 foot 10!

She hasn't started eating any food yet but watches us like a hawk when we are eating! It won't be long before she starts! It's so convenient at the moment to just be breast feeding and not having to worry about bottles or food!

So it's all going well and we are so lucky to have two beautiful kids!

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