
It was really wild today! This was just about high water, the waves were breaking high up against the cliffs, the spray was blowing up on tops and the air was sticky with salt.

Ollie and Lucas were full of beans and running around like daft things, the wind making them so excited. Their ears and fur were streaming out behind them, I could hardly stand upright, the wind was so strong. And, of course, at the cliff edge there was nothing to lean on so I had to brace myself and lean into the teeth of the gale. Lots of gannets about, terrific to see them all diving for fish in amongst the white horses. Wonderfully exhilarating - makes you truly alive!

Shame about the devastating effect it is having on the garden though. I've picked all the flowers I can and we are enjoying them in the house instead.

Try this one large . . . .

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