
By AngelaA



Left the house at 6:35am.
Managed to lose my purse and all of its contents by 6:45am.
I called the Bank and cancelled my cards by 6:50am
Arrived at school by 7am and realised I'd forgotten my fob (again) and couldn't get into the building.
Called my HoS - he was still making his way in.
I called out to the Universe for help and someone arrived. It was our school cook - Dee. Hoorah!!
The rest of day was a non stop blur of fire fighting, chasing and desperately trying to help small humans remain/learn/progress in school.
At 5:38pm my mobile rang.
It was the Bank.
I was totally expecting them to tell me in the 5 minutes I'd realised my purse was missing, someone had gone to town with my cards.
But no.
Mr Bank Manager told me a super lovely human went into the branch and handed in my purse (and all of its contents) to them.
They didn't leave their details.
Thank you Universe.
And super lovely human.


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