It's started sunny but then by afternoon the cloud rolled in. But as ever there was much reading. I finished Janey Godley's book, Handstands in the Dark, and moved on to The End of Eddy by Edouard Louis. Uplifting holiday reading - autobiographical stuff about hard upbringings. Janey Godley's book was a bit of a disappointment though - considering her life there seems remarkably little self reflection in it. Everything is on the surface. Actually, reflections are on the surface, maybe I met depth. Doh. But the French book - jest wonderful!
And just to spice up the day, a wonderful lunch was rustled up - fresh borlotti beans shelled and cooked up. Yes indeed, I could go on.
And in the evening, el Tomate again before watching a tiny film on the tiny iPad in the huge dark sitting room. That Russell Crowe can fair spin a yarn.
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