Do It Yourself Filter

After the late afternoon walk by the river I had a play around with a do it yourself filter for Markus Hediger's challenge. I largely copied him and cut up a 600ml plastic water bottle.

The Hardware store nearby has these very high decorative balls as their signature feature and I can see them from the rooftop garden. I stuck the whole lens inside the half bottle and held my hand around the neck to get a vignette effect. After much fiddling and fooling around and a lot of shots later I ended up liking this mysterious effect.
Just so you can get a better idea of these balls I've blipped them before here....

Toto had rushed in from the walk and had a big drink of water so his beard was all wet and he was panting from the exertion and I captured an interesting shot of him through the bottle as well in the extras. He looks like an elongated ball of light with a mouth ;o)

I had a lot of fun playing with this and will experiment more with other things as they come to hand

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