Friday - chaotic day

Got up tired and started with a conference call at 9 am. Thanks god I only had to listen. The rest of the morning was not going so fluid. Nothing seemed to flow. At 11:30 am my phone beeped and reminded me that I was supposed to meet my old friend Jamie for a coffee in town at 12 pm!!! ARRRGH! I was neither showered nor dressed!!! (Joy of a home office ....!)
I had totally forgotten that this was on! I also knew that he was already on his way! So no way to cancel!
I ran into the bathroom got washed, dressed and made-up and ran down the stairs, texting Jamie that I would be a couple of minutes late ....
I arrived at Papercup 12:03pm - not too bad!!!
We had a couple of coffees and some food - I had a lovely bowl with fried eggs, black rice, smoked salmon, nori, avocado and some leaves. It was so nice!! 
It was great to see Jamie. We had not met for ages. Unfortunately I had to be back in the house at 13:30 pm for my next call. So had to run just after 1 pm to get back in time. However, Jamie and Alexis will come to our party next week, so there will be more time to catch up :)
Back home I joined the call which was cancelled after 5 minutes ... then James phoned regarding my car. He was sending someone to pick it up with a lorry. The arrived at 3 pm and I ran down again to give them the paperwork, keys etc and get my money.  Polo is gone now!
Then I walked to Aldo to get some dinner. The salmon did not appeal so I went for tuna.
Back home I had Jack on the phone and then tried to be productive. Failure! It was just not my day!
Neil had left early in the morning for meetings in England and was on way back in the train. I went out of the house once more to get some veg for him and when, back work seemed to get easier! But it was 9 pm and I decided to leave it all to next week!
What a day!

I am blipping Jamie!

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