Picks Flicks

By PicksFlicks

If you go down to the woods today, your sure of a

Big Surprise.

They do say that, wherever you are, you are never more than 15 metres away from a cat.
I spotted this little one in the woods across from work whilst on my 25 minute dinner time mooch. The little Tom or Queen was chilling out, minding its own business then i appeared, the cat was not amused. Those eyes said Pi** Off, like cats tend to do.

Did you know that crossing a path of a black cat can be considered unlucky, especially if you happen to fall over the blinking thing into a busy road.

Fewer black cats are adopted due to the suspicion associated around the colouring. So much so there now exists a Black Cat Appreciation Day, August 17th to be precise. Created by Wayne H Morris, on Facebook, whom sister died on this date, the owner of Sinbad a 20year old black cat. Sinbad died a few months earlier.

For the record i like cats what ever colour they happpen to be!

Have a great evening.


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