
This afternoon the weather was quite spring like. The clematis on the fence between my house and next door is starting to flower. I never know whether it is mine or theirs. But I love it.

When one's loved one dies one has to do things that one would prefer not to. You kindly advised me how to sell my much loved mini but while it sits on the drive doing nothing it isn't doing it any good. So today I sold it to We Buy Any Car.com as I don't have time to sell it privately. As my son and I drove there I cried but then when the aircon wasn't working again I smiled as I dong have to spend any more money it. But I loved my little car and I would have preferred to not be put in this position.

I don't mention David very often as I'm just trying to keep going. I wish that I'd been able to say goodbye.

Since returning I've done some gardening and then Murphy and I have been out for fish and chips.

And no I've not done any painting. I might do that another day.

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