Just the Withers......

By JaneW

No dogs or children harmed,during blip

My poor poor grandson has had Scarlet Fever .. he's been very very ill indeed and was diagnosed with the illness last weekend at the hospital .. so today with the sun out DDLC, my Zoe and I plus Jake and all the dogs we traipsed up the welcome hills and got some fresh air and exercise and as you can see Jake played one of Dash dogs most favourite ever games 'kick dirty water in my chops'
Jake got a bit wet so we stripped him off at my car and wrapped him in a dry dog towel I had in the boot .. making memories isn't it ...
He still looks pale .. Jake not Dash the collie dog, but I think a good mile walk and a run about has done him good . I needed the walk as my head is still pounding so I dropped Zoe and Jake plus Dexter puppy back home and then I came back to my house and went to bed .

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