Life through the lens...

By ValC

Passport Saga!

Frustrating Day!
1. Went to main post office to have passport details checked and sent off.
2. Gentleman decided I needed the photo verifying ( although the other lady assistant said I didn't look that much different from my previous photo of 10 years ago, ( lovely lady) and she didn't think I needed this!)
So just to be on the safe side back home to get someone to sign the photo to say it is a "true likeness".
3. Asked nextdoor neighbour , who is an accountant, ( one of the professional people allowed to sign) Found out that he is not qualified as an accountant although he has had his own accountancy business for 20 years.
4. Rang another friend who was a building society manager. .....Away in Scotland for a few days.
5. Rang a friend who used to be a teacher (Allowed to sign) Walked up to her house. .......She filled her part of the form in wrong.
6. Went to a local post office for a form. They don't have any. So back to the main post office. (got 2 forms ,just in case!)
7. Back to friend who this time filled everything in OK.
8. Back to first post office. Forms all OK ( slight concern about my fringe! Cover part eye brows, but can see all my eyes!!!! Think it will be OK)
9. Paid the £72.50 (price has come down today!)
10. Fingers crossed I will soon be sent a new passport!!

5pm Poured myself a large glass of wine!!

Tomorrow British Gas are coming to service the boiler. Hope that goes better!

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