Fishing around for ......

..... a blip today ! So here it is .
This sweet little ornament was give to me 40 years ago ( wow how time flies ) by an ex boy friend of my eldest daughter Emm ! so what's in a name !!! He had the same Christian name as her present husband , the better choice I feel !!!
It's so windy today but the temperature isn't too bad. Today I received a duplicate letter from the cardiologist? I'm afraid I get annoyed with the NHS in this regard, appointments/ letters I always receive in duplicate and sometimes I get 3 of the same letter. I'm sure this is such a waste of money for the NHS? Still suppose it's better than not getting the report at all?
Waiting for A to arrive , not sure I want to go out in this tho'!

Thankful ...... for everyone involved in helping/ treating and investigating yesterday's tragic event . Praise for all those carrying on as normal.

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