Two Old Codgers and a Young Lady

We had a really nice morning. Fellow blipper SheilaJellison called me yesterday to invite Lisa and I to a lecture series in Sarasota. The speaker was the former president of Mexico named Felipe Calderone. He continually stressed the need of cooperation and goodwill between our two nations.

He lectured first by himself, then took some questions from an interviewer. Later, during lunch (Sheila does it up right), he fielded questions from the lunch crowd. He was very interesting to listen to, and yes...he said if he was still president...he would not pay for Mr. Trump's "wall."

Two things about the old codger statue that we had a passerby take.
1. I told Lisa to grab the old guy by the crotch...but she refused.
2. I wish I would have thought to have Sheila she could have been in the picture.

Thanks again Sheila for an enlightening morning.

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