Restful day

I woke quite early after an odd dream where I was in Liverpool but also on a beach, and Jon & Henry had left all our stuff on the beach while we went to look at two big concrete towers, but then the tide came in. All they didn't rescue was my handbag! I was distraught and ran into the sea saying our passports and euros were in it! (Liverpool??) In the dream I put my hand into the waves and by magic there was my bag, and the world was right again!

So that was the most exciting bit of my day, but to be fair I have felt tired & wobbly, and when at home sick, it isn't meant to be exciting. So I've slept a bit, messaged a few people, and read the paper. A late, hastily made card has gone in the post, but only 2nd class cos that's the stamp I had.

From midday onwards my head has been aching horribly. I've tried to drink lots, and slept. Woke to the tragic news unravelling in London on the tv.

Mollie was home at 5.30 and did dinner, then helped Henry revise geography. They have both gone to bed now as it's warmer there! The good news is our electricity bill/standing order has gone down by £60 a month now I've read the meter. So our frugal use of heating must be making a difference.

Its going to be an early night for me too. After my cup of tea.

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