Morrie and Austin

On a very grey, damp day these 2 classics on the other side of glass in a classic car show room provided the colour.

There was another burst of virtual colour but I'll mention that tomorrow.

The blue Morris Minor was a popular colour back in the day. My first car was a Morris Minor but it was cream coloured. Austin was a car we always seemed to have when I was little. The first Austin I remember was two-toned green. I can remember Mum using the crank to start it. Her next care was a cream Austin 1100 followed by a jaunty orange 1300 in the 1970s.

Life for hpx is about trying to stay well, balanced, and on top of my work and preparation to shift. I'm tired and not sleeping as well as usual. I've identified some things I can do better that might help my sleep so I'll make some changes.

I've done a bit more packing this evening. Every bit helps.

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