Family Dog

By Family_Dog


So. 2008 is finally behind us. I have to say I am experiencing high levels of excitement about this fact. It was a very, very, very tough year.

Yesterday The Family Dog went out for a bit of tapas with a bid to saying farewell to 2008 and trying to put a positive spin on all the crap that happened. Arlo arriving safe and well was obviously a massive plus. Otherwise though - all that sadness. All that worry.

Still. It's gone. It's in the past and shall remain there evermore.

It's 7pm and I'm still in my PJs. Lovely. I am nursing a slight hangover and desperately attempting to do something other than get stuck into another episode of The Wire. I'm like a crack addict. Bry bought me the 1st 2 series' on DVD for chrishmash and I can't think of anything else. I have Wire style dreams and it's one of the first things I think of when I wake up in the morning.

Ooh it's good. Oh it's too good.

I love the 1 of January. For me, it's a day of optimism. Positivity. Opportunity.

And the start of a booze free month. Ulp.

Happy New Year everybody. Wishing you love, happiness, laughs and surprises (of the good variety).

Abi x

(p.s - have backblipped)

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