horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

My sofa now

She's being a right pain in the proverbial at the moment.... Appears to have learned that clawing at the wardrobe door at 6am wakes us up. There's only so much you can get away with by chirruping cutely when the ploy works.

Found out today that the big boss can't make it to our group European legal conference in the Hague on Thursday this week, dropping our delegation down to 4. I was doing a little bit of a presentation with her, so now I'm doing the whole thing. Which frankly I'm more than happy to do, especially given I had an enthusiastic green light to 'decorate' the presentation with illustrations. Mine is the last presentation of the day, so I needed something to keep everyone awake...

Not really much free time on the trip, after we arrive on Wednesday afternoon. But will make the most of it.

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