Till Next Time
This is a backblip to Sunday evening when we took my son into Pearson Airport for his journey back to Halifax. Always bittersweet saying 'farewell' to a loved one. Was good to have him home and it is reassuring that he now calls Halifax home, too.
Not sure what was going on but security was really beefed up. He had to go through security before going through security which is unusual here. Additional identification was required before heading towards the security gates and extra people were assigned to ensure that no one bypassed it. C texted me to say that inside, there were police officers everywhere. Makes you wonder...how much goes on that we are not privy to.
Regardless, son made it home safely, we drove home safely....and that ended my March Break! I have been working hard at getting a SmugMug account up and running and I must say that I am very pleased with it so far.
Life is busy...hope you are all well : )
D x
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