Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

My Beautiful Lady....

So, today has been a very hard and emotionally draining day for me......
I continue to look for a place to rent, which is getting me down, my heart is broken, I don't have a day off until after the 22nd September, I'm tired, and to top it off, this morning I learned that my beloved sanity, my heartbeat, my smile on my face, my sanctity, my India had to be put to sleep yesterday....I am truly broken...

She had been in pain for a while with osteo-arthritis, but it came to a head this weekend, as well as the vet thinking there were more underlying issues... and my poor darling, my Beautiful Lady.... as I always called her, was put out of her pain....
I am so relieved to be honest, that she is not suffering anymore.... but cue the start of my pain now....!!!...

Although she was mine, for the past year she was on loan to a very dear friend of mine to look after, as she was in livery up in Stonehaven......but really she was still mine, and always will be my baby....and I will miss her forever......

Another part of me has died today with her.....

I really felt today, that I wanted and Needed to share my lady with you all.....She truly was Too beautiful not to.....

India, you will be missed everyday and always.........My Wonderful Beautiful Dark Lady.....xxxxx.....xxxxx

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