Shooting Up!

The allotment was looking glorious this morning  - Forget-me-nots and wild strawberries flowering and the rhubarb just shooting up! The weeds are also shooting up and dandelions flowering all over the place - so  The Dandelion War  begins!The blackthorn at the entrance is a cloud of white and I was so busy pruning out the Blackberry shoots thrusting their way through it I didn't notice another allotmenteer coming up the path and jumped and shrieked like a banshee when he passed me! 
Milkshake is coping with her funnel - I've padded part of it so she has somewhere soft to lay her head! When she eats I can turn it round so she doesn't get it muddy. I still don't trust that she won't find a way to get it off so still sleeping on the kitchen sofa with her. Poor FatCat is being very neglected! But then she could come downstairs if she wants company! 

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