"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect." Chief Seattle
I started the day at an 8 a.m. quilt "class"/marketing discussion and the thread display caught my eye. I love all the colors and possibilities. I am taking a Block Of The Month quilt class. Today was the last class for this particular quilt. The idea is that you start a 12 month class purchasing the pattern book and a special ruler (27$) and you get a free packet with the fabric to make the first block. Then each month on the 3rd Saturday, you show up with your finished block and you get the fabric for the next one. You have to show up, on your day and time with a finished block to get the next one free or you can show up anytime in the month and pay $7. I can't believe I did this for a whole year!!! Anyway, at 8 a.m. the owner of the shop gathers everyone (about 35 people) and briefly talks about assembling the next block and then spends the next 45 minutes going over the new "stuff" in the shop - a captive audience, but she makes it kind of fun. At the end, she draws two names and gives out a "door prize" and a free pass for missing a class. I think it's a great marketing idea and good incentive for completing the quilt. I did leave early once, but no one seemed to mind. Several people will usually hang around and buy fabric, etc after the class. The quilt top is nearly all assembled at this point and a new one starts in April. I'm signed up!
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