
By AllAboutUs

Birdwatchers on holiday!

Having settled into our little house and had a very early night last night we woke up keen to go to 'Le Parc du Marquenterre' for a bit of bird watching. We had a packed lunch of baguette and chocolate spread; it was the only thing we could think to bring yesterday from the UK that would not need to be kept cold!

We were not disappointed with the park at all and very quickly saw several of the promised residents. My blip is a Pied Avocet, the logo of the RSPB and a lovely bird to see as it uses it upturned beak to scythe through the surface of shallow water looking for food.

Back to our little home, while trying to cook dinner, we were treated to aerial acrobatics by the local starling population settling down to roost for the night.

Dinner and a rather nice bottle of wine later and we are almost ready for bed again.

Thank you for your comments, I have very limited Internet access at the moment and will be catching up later in the week.

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