Still quite wet.....

....  all the same we did manage a walk and we were lucky in that the rain held off until we were almost back at the car.  We spent the afternoon watching "The Inn of the Sixth Happiness"  -  one I've seen a couple of times before, but it was a good antidote to the weather and I really enjoyed it.  

I'm still clearing out my office  -  me who thinks she doesn't have any rubbish and doesn't hoard anything either.  It seems I'm wrong on both counts.  For the main part I'm clearing out all the things I used to use when I did a lot of paper crafting;  photography has put paid to all that of course but I've just been hanging on to it all "just in case".  It's a good three years since I've used any of it, so today I've taken much of it to the local Hospice Charity shop, and I'll take more next week.

Thank you for visiting my journal and for your very kind response to yesterday's blip.

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