My changing life

By Shelley2011

'what? I can't hear you..?!'

Today we did our first day back at work - it was great! I really enjoyed it and have a great new boss - Melody only cried for 10 mins and everything good - even my A/L has been sorted so I'm finishing at 3 for the next few months - which gives Melody shorter days at nursery :)
Mike collected her today at 3 and I was home shortly after - gorgeous day (typical!) so we walked Melody up the park and had a pint and a go on the swings and slide
Dinner now all done and seems like bedtime has come too quick today..
The pic is Melody in her baby ear defenders we bought for being at festivals or live music.. Hard to keep on at the mo but she finds them hilarious!
Also Melody now does the scream at the end of row ur boat and has her 10th tooth - another back one - nursery and teething - bah! B

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