Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Sainsburys' flowers...

...a cheeky blip on the way back from Sheffield... Thought they would be OK for Flower Friday and hobbs' colour challenge... We didn't actually buy any flowers, but still managed to rack up a huge bill ;)
Took the tram into Sheffield to bring Roy into the 21st century with a Smartphone... his steam version is giving up the ghost, and I'm sick of being his PA when friends send e-mails or WhatsApps when we're away from home ;)
Just a couple of issues... his number won't swap over to the new SIM at the mo - but we have had a call to say that there is a problem on the system, and it WILL happen only it might take a day or two...
We also bought a flip cover - but the little lugs on the corners are missing, and we didn't realise that til we got home. I guess the phone is just meant to stay in place by will power...

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