Forms (extra)

Today I put my bicycle back together and we continued sorting things away, getting used to Italian electrics and working out how to clean the very efficient wood-pellet central heating boiler. Then we lost the internet connection.

This resulted in good-natured and animated discussions with the owners who are working in Istanbul. After much fiddling about it turned out that the power company had turned off the radio transmitter that sends the internet to the house. We are now back on line.

The sun shone again today as we took in our new surroundings. We had thought to maybe go down to IKEA to buy a few things but what with waiting for a call from the 'tecnici' about the internet the day slipped away.

It is cool and crisp once the sun has gone down behind the hill. Dante's house (apparently it really was his) stands above us, the big dogs barking in the dark. I need to go and get some bread and wine but maybe we will make do with what we have. You know - artichokes, prosciutto, parmigiano, rucola, zola, Sicilian lemons and oranges and chives growing wild in the banksides.

The extra is of the huge beam that holds the terracotta roof off our heads. It must measure a foot by a foot and is probably a huge old cypress.

The other extra is of 'Dante's house' that stands on the hill above us. I'll look into this further.

Tomorrow we go to look at a house to the north of Florence.

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