A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Lianne & Gijs

For those of you who know how to pronounce either of those congratulations and if you got both you are awarded three gold stars.

I am in Amsterdam, ostensibly for our annual girls' weekend but I sneaked out a day early so I could meet up with my cousin and meet her new(ish) pup.

Far too long travelling due to many delays at the airport. And possibly too much time on my own which triggered something of an existential crisis. But a long swim in the hotel pool and relax in the sauna and a few ideas have started to germinate.

And a really lovely evening catching up with my cousin who is one of those people I don't see anywhere near enough but always have a great time with when I do.

Lesley x

Ps - for my memory, my phonetic spelling is somewhere between Hais and Heis.

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