
By Cigs

Summerside Street

An early start; bribed with the promise of a packet of football cards each, we set off at 8 with a stiff tail wind along Lower Granton Road.

To Summerside Street; I'd spotted the van previously seen at Claremont Park there yesterday. Even as I cycled up the street after calling at a house further down the street, I knew from the front of the van to look at the back as I instinctively knew it was the Cigsvan#3. 

Not a whole heap of options, so I figured it might be good to get the boys into the shot.

Job done,  we wove past the masses heading to school through Victoria Park, got the cards (silver Harry Kane, a couple of Firmino ones, Theo Walcott and finally Zlatan! - happy boys)

So I shoved them into their lines and dutifully trudged off to a pointless meaningless meeting of no consequence whatsoever. 

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