Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Misty start!

A different kind of day for me today; not my average Thursday!

Thursday morning is my planning and preparation time whilst my class go swimming, but as I was on a course this afternoon to look at innovation in analysis of children's work (indeed...posh way of saying marking children's work effectively...corporate jargon, let's not go there!) I worked from home.

The weather forecast promised torrential downpours this evening and hasn't disappointed. So I decided the best thing for it was to go for my stroll this morning and that I did. I was out at 7am like a crazed person...but it was so beautifully quiet and peaceful, a lovely start to the day.

I was back at 8am, washing already done and cracking on with work. A productive morning and now I am doing a little more work before a meeting at school for the parent association at 8pm. It's my turn to attend...

Happy Friday Eve...nearly the end of another week! Gosh!

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