
By spishy

Spishy spying at the aerodrome

I've decided I'm going to take a walk up to the aerodrome every day this week while I'm off work. I am doing this to for 2 reasons;

1 To get more exercise.... hopefully by the end of the week I won't feel like I need an oxygen mask and lie down when I get to the top

2. To blip, of course.

The gliders were up and the sun was baking the back of my head.
Many glider shots later, as I started my descent home, I clearly heard a snippet of this family's conversation even though they were quite a distance from me....
the boy on the bicycle said;

"Dad, please don't make me do it, I've already had three dog poo injuries today"

I didn't quite catch what Mum and Dad replied but there was much laughter. My mind boggled as to what these "dog poo injuries " could be. Perhaps it's best we don't know.

Anyway I blipped them and I have now spent far too long faffing about with the colour and contrast.

I am now going to catch some rays in the garden.

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